Corrales Soccer Club 

Summerfest League

An annual league hosted by the CSC, Summerfest is fun, organized, and safe summer competition for all teams registered in the 2023/2024 season with NMYSA, AYSO, DCSL, and NWRGSL. Games are all played on a smaller field with smaller goals, summerfest is a great way to stay in shape while having a ton of fun!
Tuesday Evenings 4:30PM-7:00PM ( June 4th- July 9th)
* No games 4th of July Week (July 2nd)*

New this year! We will be working to give teams as many double headers as we can. Teams can expect to play two games a Tuesday as the bracket allows!

Please note that we will be unable to deconflict coach schedules due to the Double Header Format so coaches should have an Asst. Coach if coaching more than one team. 

(Click the button below to register a team for Summerfest)

Summerfest 3v3 League (U5-U8)

3v3 is played with 3 players from each team. Max Roster of 8 Players.


Summerfest 5v5 League (U9+)

5v5 is played with 5 players from each team (including a goalkeeper). Max Roster of 12 Players.
